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Leah Cohen, Augusta, GA: “Your presentation was simply inspiring.Women who could not remember the last time they laughed, found themselves laughing. Women who could not remember the last time they sang, found themselves singing. Women who have never shared the song or story that meant the most to them shared them with everyone. Some of these women have now one another for decades and found themselves discovering each other anew. I do not remember ever having a speaker that had so much impact on our women!"
More Testimonials and recording of Stacey at Summit Presentation,2017
“Stacey oozes soulful, playful, sensual energy and teaches women how to harness their own sexiness to celebrate fully empowered life in relationships! She has pursued advanced education in sexuality, yes, but it's that mixed with her unique approach to connecting with her clients and audiences that allows this to become a safe and uplifting opportunity for women to embrace confidence in the bedroom!”
Ava Diamond, LCSW, World-Recognized Success Coach, Creator of Diamond Mind Strategies and Queen Be: Begin, Believe, Become.
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